I help hard-working humans discover and tell the stories they need to share their vision and inspire action.
In an earlier life, I worked as a singer-songwriter. I used to get on stage and share my feelings and experiences with audiences every day. Later, as a radio documentary maker and broadcaster, I shared other people’s stories with the world. Along the way I worked in leadership – developing teams, projects, and radio shows for CBC.
Throughout all this work, one thread remained constant: stories.
Every day, I saw how stories were the catalyst to build connection, inspire action, or change a perspective. And the power of story linked up with everything I’d learned studying the brain in my first career as an occupational therapist (which is itself a story for another time!)
So I pulled all those skills and experiences together and started to teach others how to tell better stories. Stories that motivated. Stories that inspired. Stories that helped them connect, communicate, and call others to action. I didn’t have it all together, but the way unfolded with every new project, workshop, and opportunity and ultimately The Story Source was born.
Over the last decade I’ve had the privilege to work with thousands of people--in conference halls, in boardrooms and classrooms, at staff retreats and one-on-one--so they can learn to connect, inspire change and build community. From personal coaching to facilitating hundreds in groups, I’ve helped people deliver winning pitches, develop stronger teams, raise funds and build community so their work can flourish.
I am committed to continuous learning
The Art of Hosting
Meaningful Conversations and Participatory Leadership
2024 & 2018
Decolonization Training
Ta7talíya Michelle Nahanee,
Indigenous Inclusion
Public Narrative Coaching
Leading Change Network
Public Narrative: Leadership, Storytelling and Action
Harvard Kennedy School
Roots of Reconciliation
Returning to Spirit
Program Development for Adult Learners
University of Manitoba Adult and Continuing Education Courses
Hosting Powerful Conversations
Simon Fraser University